Sunday, March 16, 2008

I Am a Knitting Reader

Soon to be an official knitter. :-) Lately, I've been reading a lot about knitting. I love Ravelry. I love the discussion groups. But, very often, Leda sits by the sidelines while I go and visit with friends. Not necessarily a bad thing...just something to be aware of. I don't have a ton of things to say tonight. I can't sleep, and I'm annoyed by that, so I figured it was better to type than to stew. Same old thing where my joints just hurt. No idea just seems to get worse at night.

And Mom and Dad, if you're reading this, I AM going to the Dr. on Monday about this. Who knows, may I have a case of RBS. (Restless Body Syndrome.) :-)


MikeJ said...

I have aching joints but I think it's just me getting old. Who'd a thunk it

Acorn to Oak said...

I can relate. I do that sometimes more about knitting than actually doing it. But, that's a lot of fun too! :)

Can't sleep?! I can be very annoying. I hate it when that happens. I often plan what I could do in the middle of the night when that happens but when it does I just get mad cuz all I want to do is sleep!

I hope your joints are feeling better. Good luck with the doctor.

Dove Knits said...

Cool. Can't wait to see you be a full-out knitter.

Knitting Linguist said...

Whoof. I get Restless Body Syndrome sometimes -- knitting always helps ;) Hope you're hurting less now!